v.1.2.1 - November 28, 2014
- Changed the default fullscreen state to "On".
v.1.2.0 - July 22, 2014
Bug Fixes
- Fixed a bug where Player 2 could not start a Co-op game if their input was set to Controller 1.
- Factory Reset now properly resets window size.
- Undocumented level select cheat disabled: caused crashes when loading high score table.
- Entry of high score is disabled if 30 lives cheat is activated.
- Rolling credits on the credits screen now loop properly.
- Game now skips the co-op high score table after displaying the single-player high score table after a game over.
- You can now press [Shoot] to skip the high score tables and the cast screen and return to the title screen.
v.1.1.4 - June 19, 2014
- Steam Workshop: Combined changes in v.1.1.3 with v.1.1.1 graphics code.
v.1.1.3 - April 13, 2014
- Steam Workshop: Fixed a bug that crashed the game during certain tutorials.
v.1.1.2 - April 5, 2014
- Steam Workshop: Rolled back graphics code to v.1.1.0, due to incompatibilties with stable version of GameMaker: Studio on Steam.
v.1.1.1 - April 3, 2014
- First release version (Ubuntu)
- Fixed a bug where movement keys would get "stuck" if they were pressed or released while the game was paused.
- Rehauled graphics code for GameMaker:Studio 1.3 compatibility.
- Fixed a bug where lives were not being counted correctly after one player borrows a life.
- Factory Reset now properly resets [Borrow Life] for both players.
- Default key for [Borrow Life] (Player 2) moved from the 2 key to the 9 key (only takes into effect if you install a fresh copy of the game or do a Factory Reset).
- Credits screen can now be exited by pressing any key or Start, Back or A on a controller (formerly just Esc).
v.1.1.0 - March 23, 2014
Development Branch "A" of game ceased. Branch "B" is now the main and only branch in active development.
- First release version (Steam Workshop)
- Added life-borrowing in co-op mode. If one player has lost all their lives but the other has some in reserve, then the first player can borrow one and resume playing the current round.
- Added "Online Help" in Service Mode. Opens an online copy of the documentation in a web browser.
- When player(s) die due to the timer expiring, their spirits-in-hand are released one at a time instead of all at once. This makes it consistent with the game's other death scenarios.
- Background music in tutorials now loop.
- Reduced startup time for Preta tutorials.
v.1.0.0 - March 8, 2014
- First release version (Windows)
- Added credits screen. Accessed in service mode.
- Fixed a bug where a player could lose their shield even if they have mercy invincibility.
v.0.9.3 - February 23, 2014
Development of game is split into two branches: "A" and "B".
Branch "A"- Same as v.0.9.2
- Removed BASS and BASSGMS extensions and associated audio files. Game reworked to use default audio engine.
v.0.9.2rc1 - February 20, 2014
- Fixed the random spawning of spirits in Rounds 17+:
- Bothersome spirits no longer appear in Donum rounds and Vengeful spirits no longer appear in Pohena rounds
- The correct number of spirits should be spawned in single-player
- NPC movement speed multiplier capped to 1.5. NPCs will no longer speed up after Round 36
- Added new option to Service Mode: Screen Rotation
- Changed quitting procedure: to return to the title screen from in-game, the player now must pause first before pressing Esc/Back
- Fixed a bug that allowed Player 2 to control Donum during attract mode with a controller
- Fixed a bug that allowed extra lives to be gained during attract mode
- Corrected button prompts on title screen when Key Reminder is set to "Controller"
- More UI adjustments
- Code optimizations
- Fixed errors in help manual
v.0.9.1 - February 7, 2014
- Improved cornering. Players will hug corners if they are close enough to one
- Life counter display a number if a player has more than 5 lives
- Removed screenshot function, due to it not working in too many use cases
- Fixed "missing msvcp110.dll" error that may occur on certain computers
- Made adjustments to UI
- Scores required for extra lives changed from 20k/40/60k... to 20k/50k/80k...
- Added indicators that appear after a player has collected a Power-up item to show its effect ("LONG" for long shot, "DBL" for double shot)
- Controller button assignments: Changed [1P Start] and [2P Start] from X and Y to Start (1P) and Start (2P) respectively
- Updated "Starring" screen
- Rewrote documentation in CHM
v.0.9.0 - January 18, 2014
- Added live tutorials to replace instructions screen
- Added live demo to attract mode
- Added "Starring" screen to attract mode
- Adjusted behaviour of Vagrant Ghost: the first step it takes after being shot uses the flee behaviour
- Modified Maze 3
- Fixed init bug with Bashful Spirits
- Shooting good spirits as Donum (Player 2) now properly deducts points from Player 2 instead of Player 1
- Pause key can now be rebound to another key
- Pausing function now only limited to when in-game
- Controller button assignments can now be seen in the key config menu
- Keys can only be rebound if their assignments are visible on screen
- Keys can no longer be rebound when using the key config menu with a controller
- Screenshot function currently disabled
v.0.8.2 - December 6, 2013
- The game will no longer start if the required controller(s) are not plugged in
- Keyboard controls are now always enabled in instructions screen (in case controllers get unplugged during that screen)
- Added Maze 4
- Game is now endless
- Modified Maze 2
- Pause function now unpauses correctly
- Swapped "Touch?" and "Shoot?" rows in instructions screen
- Shots now freeze correctly after round has finished
- Replaced "&" with "OK" and "<" with "?" in initial entry screen
- Fixed a bug where players could still be killed by enemies even after the round had finished
- Fixed a bug where spirits and pretas would keep spawning even after the round had finished
v.0.8.1 - December 4, 2013
- Added highscore system. Keeps track of the top 10 scores in each mode (single-player and co-op) along with player initials, highest round reached and character used (co-op only)
- High score prior to v.0.8.0 will be erased due to incompatibilities
- Added instruction screen at the start of the game
- Changed round progression. Bonus rounds now occur in the middle of each set of five rounds instead of at the end
- Added pause feature. Currently hardcoded to "P" (or Start on a controller)
- Can only be used in-game
- Game now remembers fullscreen status after quitting
- Added new key reminder mode: Controller
- Screenshots are now consistent between windowed and fullscreen modes and external screen capture methods
- Made various optimizations to how graphics are drawn
- Updated BASSGMS to v.0.4.1
- Added left stick support for controllers in menus
- Fixed various bugs and glitches:
- Service mode menu no longer disappears after doing a factory reset
- Players would sometimes have a negative number of lives in co-op mode
- Fixed some potential memory leaks
- Fixed a graphical glitch involving the Vagrant Ghost
- Fixed scoring bug
v.0.7.4 - November 19, 2013
- Added fullscreen mode toggle in service mode
- Undocumented player "self-destruct" key/button unbound for both keyboard and controller (meant for debug purposes only)
- Fixed a bug that caused a premature game over in co-op mode.
v.0.7.3 - November 12, 2013
- Fixed text alignment bug in Key Config menu
- The round complete sequence now interrupts a player's death sequence, meaning if the current round is completed during a player's death sequence, they won't lose a life.
- Sound effects no longer play during the 2nd half of the death sequence (it violated the 3-channel polyphony)
- Added new maze
- Round cap increased from 8 to 12
- NPC movement speeds now increase after every bonus round start with the 3rd
- Gold coin bonus item now shows up in bonus rounds
- Improved Vagrant Ghost "AI"
v.0.7.2 - November 4, 2013
- Controllers can now be assigned to either player
- Fixed bug that made controller 1 control both players in co-op mode
- "Key Assignment" menu is now called "Key Config(uration)" menu
- Fixed cursor bug in Key Config menu
- Startup sequence, title screen and service mode menus can now be controlled by controllers (check manual.txt for details)
- Moved version number from the title screen to Service Mode menu
v.0.7.1 - October 31, 2013
- Fixed score bug at Game Over in single-player mode
- Fixed crash at Game Over when playing as Pohena in single-player mode
v.0.7.0 - October 30, 2013
- Key configuration menu fully implemented. Key bindings are saved between sessions
- High score is now saved between sessions
- Factory Reset option added to Service Mode. Resets all settings back to the defaults
- Added key reminders on title screen for [Insert Coin], [1P Start], [2P Start] and [Service] on the title screen to help new play. Can be toggled off in Service Mode.
- Default screenshot key changed from F11 to F12
- Fixed a bug that crashed the game at Game Over
- Fixed graphics interpolation bug
- Fixed bug where players start with 19,990 points in co-op mode
v.0.6.2 - October 22, 2013
- First public release
- Redesigned options menu: added "key assignment" submenu
- Can only change input device (keyboard/controller) for now
- Default window scale changed from x3 to x2
- Save screenshot function no longer crashes the game if "Cancel" is pressed
- Any key can be pressed to skip boot sequence (formerly just [Space])