Single-player Game
Alternate between playing as Donum and Pohena:
As Donum, the player must collect all of the good spirits (light blue) in the maze and drop them off in the shelter at the bottom of the maze while avoiding harmful evil spirits (dark red) and pretas (the humanoid enemies). Donum possess a stun gun which the player can use to fend off enemies.
As Pohena, the player must collect all of the evil spirits in the maze and lock them up in the jail at the bottom of the maze while avoiding meddling good spirits and harmful pretas. Players must shoot evil spirits with Pohena's gun in order to collect them; it can also be used to stun pretas.
After the second round and after every fourth numbered round afterwards is a Bonus Round, where you must find all the items before time runs out. The items are hidden inside rocks which you must shoot to break.
The maze changes after every four numbered rounds.
Losing Lives & Game Over (Single-player)
When the player comes into contact with an unstunned evil spirit or preta, they will lose a life. If all lives are lost, then the game is over. If the player's score is high enough to qualify in the top ten high scores, the player will be asked to enter their initials before they are returned to the title screen.